Cultivate Legacy

Ministry to Business with Becky Kopitzke

Shelley Tyson Season 3 Episode 7

Becky Kopitzke is a multi-published author and founder of The Inspired Business, a coaching hub dedicated to helping faith-filled writers, communicators and creatives monetize their passion work in order to keep it sustainable. As a veteran blogger, professional copywriter and writing coach, Becky’s sweet spot is in digital product sales funnels, an ideal method for growing and serving an audience to support your business and ministry goals.

Becky and her husband Chad live the crazy blessed life from home offices in northeast Wisconsin, where they share precious space with their two daughters, tables stacked with homework, and two devoted office dogs. Beyond work and family, Becky's second home is her church, where she leads women’s Bible studies, sings on the worship team, and is a regularly featured speaker for special events. She's a big fan of matcha lattes, family game night, historical fiction and pretty much anything chocolate.

Find Becky online at and